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MCC 062 – How to turn your fixed operations challenges into opportunities


Episode Description

In this episode, Robert Peterson is joined by Mark Scarpelli, Ray Scarpelli, Jack Butler and your host Scott Joseph. They discuss improving processes, client experiences, training, and leaderships skills to achieve industry leading revenue growth in fixed operations

So, if you want to boost revenue, optimize your processes, and deliver an outstanding client experience so you can turn your top challenges into opportunities, tune in now!

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • Ray Automotive Group’s first breakthrough with fixed operations (and what you can learn from it to level up your own success)
  • How the world of fixed operations is different now (and what that means for you)
  • How the Ray Automotive Group achieved record-breaking growth and how it can make an impact on every car dealer’s ability to get results with fixed operations
  • Discoveries that are newer and better than anything else available for fixed operations
  • Specific fixed operations developments on the immediate horizon (and how you can take an almost unfair advantage over your competitors)
  • Where the big opportunities are in fixed operations that most car dealers are missing
  • Specific overlooked opportunities in fixed operations right now that can help you in ways you might never dream of (and we’ll pull back the curtains)
  • The big challenges in fixed operations right now (and how a new idea and a shift in your thinking transforms those challenges into instant opportunities)

Robert Peterson

Robert Peterson is an expert in fixed operations whose accomplishments include:

  • Lead Fixed Operations Consultant for the JM&A Group
  • Increased the average repair order transaction value by 30%
  • Increased the average dealership fixed operations revenue by $250,000
  • Helped to increase one dealer group’s fixed operations revenue by $15 million in one year

Mark and Ray Scarpelli are the owners of Ray Automotive Group

Jack Butler is the Fixed Operations Director for Ray Automotive Group


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