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MCC 78 Sales Training Traps to Avoid


Episode Description

Welcome to Episode 78 of move crush count.

In this episode, David O’Brien and I discuss avoiding common sales training mistakes.

So, if you want to create a process to keep moving the sale forward, handle resistance in a frictionless manner, build stronger relationships, understand personality styles, and create a culture of continuous learning tune in now!

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • The #1 mistake business leaders make in the area of sales training (and how to avoid it)
  • The mistake that most often causes business leaders to fail completely with sales training (and how to fix it)
  • The sales training mistake business leaders make where they think, in their minds, they’re doing the right thing and don’t realize it’s a mistake (and how to keep it from derailing you too!)
  • The #1 mistake that costs business leaders a lot of time and wasted effort (and how to get that time back)
  • The mistake that needlessly creates a lot of mental stress and anxiety for business leaders (and how to banish it from your life forever)
  • The #1 thing business leaders waste time on with sales training and get no or low results
  • The biggest mistake David OBrien ever made as a business leader when it came to sales training and how to fix it / recover.
  • Specific tools business leaders are most likely to overpay for to avoid common sales training mistakes (and how to avoid having that money needlessly sucked out of your pockets)
  • A specific fear that holds most business leaders back and how to quickly get over it
  • The #1 thing most business leaders refuse to face and just bury their heads in the sand, try to ignore, and hope it just goes away

More Information
Learn more about how you can improve your results with sales training with and

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Thanks for tuning in!

David O'Brien

David is an expert in sales training whose accomplishments include:

  • President/CEO of Quantum5
  • Partner MindWire
  • Former Board Member Marcom Results Group
  • Former President Crucible Development Group

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