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MCC 80 Client Retention Mistakes to Avoid


Episode Description

Welcome to Episode 80 of the move crush count.

In this episode, Dave Boyle and I discuss avoiding common client retention mistakes.

So, if you want to grow your active client base, increase how often clients buy from you, and increase your average transaction value so you can speed up growth, tune in now!

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • The #1 mistake business leaders make in client retention (and how to avoid it)
  • The mistake that most often causes business leaders to fail completely with client retention (and how to fix it)
  • The client retention mistake business leaders make where they think, in their minds, they’re doing the right thing and don’t realize it’s a mistake (and how to keep it from derailing you too!)
  • Several other major mistakes with client retention all business leaders need to know about (as well as how to avoid them)
  • The #1 mistake that costs business leaders a lot of time and wasted effort (and how to get that time back)
  • The mistake that needlessly creates a lot of mental stress and anxiety for business leaders (and how to banish it from your life forever)
  • What is the #1 thing business leaders waste time on with client retention and get you little or low results?
  • The biggest mistake Dave Boyle ever made as a business leader regarding client retention and how to fix it / recover.
  • The critical mistake every new business leader rush into and needs to slow down a little bit (before they run off a cliff).
  • The #1 thing most business leaders refuse to face and just bury their heads in the sand, try to ignore, and hope it just goes away.

Client Retention Links & Mentions from This Episode:

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Thanks for tuning in!

David Boyle

About Dave Boyle

Dave is an expert in client retention whose accomplishments include:


  • Over 25 years as the Chief Executive Officer at TraXtion.
  • In his role as President and Chief Executive Officer, David is directly responsible for all aspects of TraXtion’s North American business. David began his career working for Newgen Results Corporation, the industry’s first full-service CRM provider, where he held several VP-level positions. This included running the company’s $20 million dollar consulting division, considered to be one of the best in the industry at that time.
  • One of the Founding Members of MPI, the industry’s first electronic inspection company.
  • While serving as MPI’s President and COO, David was directly responsible for growing the company from a startup to more than $30 million in annual revenue.
  • David has logged thousands of hours in dealerships across the U.S. and Canada and is a recognized industry authority on dealership fixed operations.
  • Before starting his business career, he spent eight years as a full-time professional race car driver, which he credits to his affinity for cars and his eventual decision to make a career in the automotive industry.

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