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MCC 105: Branding on Fire: Unleashing Your Personal Influence


Episode Description

Angela Mulrooney is an expert in understanding personal archetypes and helping individuals discover the unique facets of their personality. Throughout this conversation, Angela shares valuable insights on embracing authenticity, developing a consistent approach, and framing situations to align with your true self. We delve into the power of niche specialization and how stepping into it can lead to greater impact, financial success, and personal achievements. Angela also reveals the three types of content that can elevate your personal brand and captivate your audience. Prepare to be inspired as we explore Angela’s personal journey from building a successful dental brand to becoming a sought-after business coach and founder of a social media agency. Along the way, she tackles the challenges of self-doubt, facing trolls on social media, and the importance of letting go of what doesn’t align with your dream life. Get ready to ignite your personal branding, gain confidence, and unleash your true influence on this episode of move crush count.

Ready to change the world with what you know? Set up a call with Angela The Arsonist today to start burning down what’s holding you back from Unleashing Influence through your personal brand on LinkedIn:

Angela Mulrooney

Dr. Angela Mulrooney, known as The Arsonist, is a global speaker, best-selling author, and personal branding expert.
Originally a dentist, Angela helplessly watched her perfectly crafted dental career burn to the ground after sustaining a career-ending injury. After retiring and selling her practice, she  was unsure how to change the world without a drill in her hand.

She embarked on a 5 year entrepreneurial journey of building brand after brand around each of her unique talents: Unleashed Dance Company to teach people to tell a story with their body, Unleashing Dentistry’s Potential to teach dentists to niche into their passion, and Unleashing Influence to teach people to change the world with what they know.

After creating a successful empire of brands, she realized she had created a monster of her own making – pulled in too many directions and feeling like she wasn’t realizing her full potential as a result. To redesign her life, she lit a match to burn down what was not working in her life and sold off all but Unleashing Influence Inc. and moved from Canada to Nicaragua.

This bold move allowed her to niche into her mastery: burning down what’s holding clients back from Unleashing Influence through their personal brand on LinkedIn. Her expertise enables clients to change the world with what they know by influencing and captivating their clients through content, podcast appearances, and public speaking while increasing sales.

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