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7 Financial Tips Every Business Leader Needs To Know


Episode Description

In this episode, Claudio Gambin and Scott Joseph discuss aligning your business decisions with your financial goals.

So, if you want to pay less taxes, secure your future, manage risk better, and optimize your financial planning, tune in now!

In this episode, you’ll discover:

Financial planning roadblocks Claudio Gambin faced early on and how every Business Leader can overcome them too (along with all the juicy details about Claudio Gambin’s first major breakthrough with financial planning and what you can learn from it)

  • How the world of financial planning is different now than when Claudio Gambin got started (and why that spells good news for you)
  • How every Business Leader can get started fast with better financial decisions (and how long it typically takes to see results with financial planning)
  • How much time commitment it takes on a daily, weekly basis, and what stops most people from aligning your business decisions with your financial goals (and how to we get around that problem fast)
  • How and where to spot the big opportunities with financial planning today
  • What kind of results Business Leaders can expect if they do things right with financial planning
  • Specific questions Business Leaders should ask about financial planning if they want to succeed
  • How Claudio Gambin stays up to date on financial planning without getting overloaded
  • Where Claudio Gambin sees Business Leaders wasting a lot of time in financial planning
  • Where the big challenges are in financial planning right now (and how to overcome them quickly)
  • Where the big opportunities are in financial planning that many Business Leaders are missing (and how to take advantage of them)

More Information

Learn more about how you can improve your results with financial planning with move crush count – GFG Solutions

Financial Planning Links & Mentions from This Episode:

Thanks for Tuning In!

Thanks so much for being with us this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Please leave a note in the comments section below!

Claudio Gambin

Claudio Gambin is an expert in financial planning whose accomplishments include:

  • Claudio graduated from the University of Central Florida with a major in Entrepreneurship
  • After graduating, he started as an intern in the financial services business and quickly fell in love with the work
  • He became a full-time Financial Advisor in 2010 and founded Gambin Financial Group
  • Claudio’s passion lies in working with business owners and specializes in helping those clients in the areas of risk management, cumulative tax planning, estate distribution strategies, and business transfer planning
  • Outside of work, Claudio’s number one priority is spending time with his wife Melissa and two daughters, Coco and Senna
  • You can frequently find them boating and fishing at their favorite get-a-way in New Smyrna Beach.

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