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MCC 72 Does Publishing A Book Increase Business? The Truth You Need To Know

J&L Marketing


Episode Description

Welcome to Episode 72 of move crush count.

In this episode, Mario Fachini and I discuss writing a book to get more business.

So, if you want to become the expert authority in your industry, leverage your expertise, and learn a simple way to write a book like the professionals so you can increase leads and profit elegantly in only 8 weeks, tune in now!

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • The TOP myths about publishing your business book every business leader must learn the truth about – FAST!
  • A publishing a book myth that can destroy your success before you ever even get started (and what to do instead)
  • The major misconceptions about publishing a business book that causes business leaders to take the wrong path and waste months, if not years, of effort
  • Something critical that used to be true in the world of publishing a book but is now false (and you need to know what it is before it eats you alive)
  • The perfect mindset every business leader should have about publishing a book that virtually guarantees their success
  • Specific publishing a book tools, techniques, and resources that just don’t work anymore (and what to do instead)
  • Where business leaders waste a TON of time screwing around with writing a book to get more business because they believe this myth (and the true alternative that will save your bacon)
  • Where the big challenges in publishing a book are right now, especially if you listen to the wannabe “gurus” out there (and the commonsense strategies for dealing will each and every one of those challenges)

Mario Fachini is an expert in publishing books whose accomplishments include:

  • Business Book Publishing & Promotion Expert
  • Enterprise SaaS Founder
  • Top 100 Podcast Host
  • Marketing Consultant
  • Publishing Speaker
  • Livestream Speaker
  • Author
  • Founder and CEO, Host of “Expert Authority Effect™ Interviews” Podcast on
  • Founder and CEO of IWDNow Marketing & Publishing


More Information

Learn more about how you can improve your results with publishing your book here: , and 

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Thanks for tuning in!

Mario Fachini

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